10 random thoughts from the New Media Expo
Well I finally succumbed to the temptation, I have a blog. Let’s start in pure blogging fashion: a top 10 list overloaded with links. So here are my 10 random thoughts from the New Media Expo in Las Vegas:
- At an event like this, the iPhone to person ratio approaches unhealthy levels.
- I really don’t care too much for their show (I don’t own tools), but the spags are awesome.
- The New Media Expo wasn’t “new media” at all. It made me think of something called “Podcast Expo”.
- When you are Jonathan Coulton or Felicia Day, you cannot walk 10 feet without someone stopping you to say that Ilovewhatyoudoandyouarereallyawesome- canItakeapicturepleaseIloveyou. I’m guessing it would get pretty annoying pretty fast, but they stay friendly. A mystery.
- I already knew it, but I got confirmation that Veronica Belmont is a real real geek: she knows Joco’s songs by heart and sings along when he’s on stage.
- Being on Twit Live can get you a hundred+ Twitter followers in two minutes.
- Tom Merritt might very well be the nicest person on the planet.
- Randy Jordan is a real cowboy. Also, he secretly swore a few weeks ago that he would get more Twitter followers than me. And he did.
- Even with geeks like us, the real fun happens after hours… Jim Kirks and Molly Lynn are party animals.
- I’m really not a Trekkie (or trekker or whatever), but going to the Star Trek Experience with Len Peralta, Brent and almost all the people I talked about here was definitely worth the 38 hours I spent in airplains and airports in those five days. Also, Randy screamed like a girl during the 3D ride.
All in all I had a really great time, and I consider myself incredibly fortunate to be part of such an amazing community. A thousand thanks to all of those who were there, a million thanks to the people who chose to listen to what I have to say, and I hope we get to do it again as soon as possible.